Living wills and durable powers of attorney in Kentucky
A living will is a legal document that directs a [...]
Starting your estate planning journey
It seems like everyone is talking about will, trusts and [...]
How to discuss long-term care planning
Long-term care planning isn’t the most pleasant topic of conversation. [...]
What is life care planning?
Planning for the future is an important part of living. [...]
Sept. 30: Kentucky ElderLaw, PLLC, presenting in virtual workshop
Finding out that a loved one has dementia or Alzheimer’s [...]
How do I ensure my will is valid?
Having a valid will is an important part of the [...]
When should you turn to assisted living?
When a loved one is showing signs of discomfort at [...]
Now that I’m getting older, do I need a certain type of trust?
As we age, our circumstances change. Taking the time to [...]
How do I settle an estate?
After the death of a loved one, there are some [...]
When to write and revise a will
According to Forbes Magazine, approximately half of all Americans between [...]
How can I prevent elder financial abuse?
Seniors are often the target of financial abuse due to [...]
Helping your children avoid inheritance fights
Fights over inheritance may do more than take time and [...]