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Elder Care Blogs

How are assisted living facilities different from nursing homes?

As our loved ones get older, we all must face the reality that life and their needs change. It can be difficult for our aging family members to care for themselves or live safely on their own. While there is no shame in needing a little extra help, it can be difficult to make the [...]

By |2023-06-26T11:17:12-04:00May 18th, 2020|Elder care|Comments Off on How are assisted living facilities different from nursing homes?

Can emotional abuse lead to serious health issues in the elderly?

Elder abuse is a serious problem in nursing homes and other care facilities throughout Kentucky. While many people know to look for physical signs of mistreatment and neglect, emotional abuse is also a serious issue. When it comes to emotional abuse, it can be more difficult to tell when a person is experiencing it. However, [...]

By |2023-06-26T11:14:27-04:00March 27th, 2020|Elder care|Comments Off on Can emotional abuse lead to serious health issues in the elderly?

The importance of fiduciaries to estate planning

Fiduciaries are vitally important to estate planning. Unfortunately, however, many people have only a vague notion of what a fiduciary is. According to Kiplinger, a fiduciary is someone with the authority to act on your behalf. As it relates to estate planning, a fiduciary is a person whom you select to carry out your wishes [...]

By |2020-03-12T17:25:12-04:00March 12th, 2020|Elder care|Comments Off on The importance of fiduciaries to estate planning

Does Medicaid reimburse nursing home bed reservations?

You may occasionally need to be away from your nursing home for short periods of time, and you may worry about reserving your bed so that you can return after your absence. As described by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, state Medicaid guidelines specify varying levels of reimbursement for a bed reservation if [...]

By |2020-02-29T15:20:55-05:00February 29th, 2020|Elder care|Comments Off on Does Medicaid reimburse nursing home bed reservations?

Be in control of your medical care as you age

Very few people want to think about death or life-limiting illnesses, but it is an important part of estate planning. Without preparing for worst case medical circumstances, the truth is someone else will make the hard decisions for you. They may not be what you would choose for yourself, so take control now so a [...]

By |2020-01-23T00:55:17-05:00January 23rd, 2020|Elder care|Comments Off on Be in control of your medical care as you age

What are the warning signs of elder abuse?

Elder abuse in Kentucky can take many different forms. There are usually warning signs present that an elderly loved one is experiencing abuse at the hands of a caretaker, but they can be difficult to recognize. You may mistake them for symptoms of mental deterioration, especially when they are emotional or behavioral in nature rather [...]

By |2019-12-07T23:21:11-05:00December 7th, 2019|Elder care|Comments Off on What are the warning signs of elder abuse?

What types of guardianship does Kentucky allow?

When an elderly person becomes unable to perform the activities of daily living on his or her own, the courts may decide to appoint a guardian. The same is true if the individual can no longer manage his or her finances. In Kentucky, guardianship forms a legal relationship between a court-appointed adult and a ward. [...]

By |2019-11-07T02:04:04-05:00November 7th, 2019|Elder care|Comments Off on What types of guardianship does Kentucky allow?

Should my power of attorney change as I age?

The purpose of a power of attorney (POA) is to appoint an agent to look after the best interests of an individual if they are unable to. This can apply to a durable power of attorney where the designated person (known as an Attorney-in-Fact) makes decisions regarding finances, banking and legal affairs. There is also [...]

By |2019-11-01T14:58:35-04:00November 1st, 2019|Elder care, Power of attorney|Comments Off on Should my power of attorney change as I age?

Supporting you at every stage

Planning for the future is, unfortunately, not something you can do once and then forget about. In Kentucky, laws change frequently. This means that the plans you made a few years ago may no longer be entirely appropriate. At Kentucky Elderlaw, PLLC, we understand the unique challenges that come when reviewing an estate plan as [...]

By |2019-10-25T18:09:12-04:00October 25th, 2019|Elder care|Comments Off on Supporting you at every stage

Do you know how to save on the cost of assisted living for seniors?

As an aging senior citizen in Kentucky, both you and your adult children want to do everything possible to save on your long-term care. Do you know which steps are the most effective? To help, The Senior List provides strategies for making assisted living more affordable. See how these tips help you and your children [...]

By |2023-06-26T11:11:11-04:00September 26th, 2019|Elder care|Comments Off on Do you know how to save on the cost of assisted living for seniors?
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